Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beautiful Wall art

We will be doing these really easy and cute custom wall art. They are made out of light weight syrafoam. We will have some scrapbook paper available, but if you want to customize to match your home you should bring your own paper or family photos, or color ribbon you want for the edges. We have to know if you want to make these by the end of September due to a demand for the supplies. Thanks!
Price: 3 pictures (12X12) for $11.50


  1. I would like one set of these. Thanks!
    Heather McMullin

  2. I would like 2 sets of these. Thanks
    Heidi Condie
    (Sherri Condie's sister-in-law)

  3. I would like 2 sets of these
    Heidi Condie
    (Sherri Condie's sister-in-law)
